Sunday, 31 March 2013

Gateau à la crème and brioche bread

It's still March, just, so here is my result of the March baking mission given to us by Bread Baking Babe Lien (Notitie van Lien). Lien chose a sweet recipe based on Raymond Blanc's "Gateau a la Creme". Since Raymond Blanc is one of my favorite TV chefs too -well behind Michel Roux Jr though!- I was even more tempted to try this recipe.
I had never made brioche, thinking it would be far too complicated and not for the ones-without-KitchenAid or Kenwood-on-the-counter. But hey, out came the good old hand mixer with dough hooks and the result was overwhelming!

The recipe was fairly easy to follow too! The amount of butter and eggs seem a bit scary at first, but since my friend keeps free range hens, good eggs are always available in abundance.

I choose to make one gateau and one small brioche bread as suggested by Lien. I did make the gateau in a spring form to keep it in shape. And yes it rose! The sides almost folded over the lemon custardy filling. For decoration I used some bashed up sugar cubes, because no nibbed sugar available around here.

And it tasted even better than it looked! 
This recipe is a keeper! You'll find it at Lien's blog.

The leftover egg whites were easily turned into almond merengues, what more could you wish for?

Well, one more thing .... THE badge!!!


  1. Beautiful gâteau Claartje, like an egg, just perfect for Easter. Thanks for baking with us!
    Yes Michel Roux Jr. is lovely as well (though his father I didn't particular like a lot), a real gentleman!

    1. Thank you for the wonderful recipe and the badge!

  2. Wow, your gateau is wonderful! And how clever you were to use broken sugar cubes for the decorative topping. Like you, I made my gateau in a pan (I used a quiche pan). I thought it might have been a mistake because the edges rose so much. But the more I think about it, the more I like the nice wide rim to savour before diving into that lovely lemony pool.
